Best Password Selection

Best Password Selection

The importance of picking a good and secure password cannot be enough. It is extremely important that users change the passwords associated with their computer accounts frequently and that they change them to something that cannot be guessed by someone else. This is because to the password is the way the computer verifies that someone logging in with your account is really you.

If someone else obtains your password, they can use your account to peruse your private data, including electronic mail; alter or destroy your files; and perform illegal activities in your name. And in such cases, it is difficult to find out who the culprit is.

The following guidelines will guard against someone finding out your password and using your account illegally:

  1. Make your password as long as possible. The longer it is, the more difficult it will be to attack the password with a brute-force search. Always use at least 6 characters in your password, at least two of which are numeric.
  2. Use as many different characters as possible when forming your password. Use numbers, punctuation characters and, when possible, mixed upper and lower-case letters. Choosing characters from the largest possible alphabet will make your password more secure.
  3. Do not use personal information in your password that someone else is likely to be able to figure out. Obviously, things like your name, phone number, and address are to be avoided. Even names of friends and the like should not be used.
  4. Do not use words, geographical names, or biographical names that are listed in standard dictionaries.
  5. Never use a password that is the same as your account number.
  6. Do not use passwords that are easy to spot while you’re typing them in. Passwords like 12345, qwerty or nnnnnn should be avoided.
  7. Change your password on a regular basis. Changing your password every 30 days is a good rule-of-thumb, and you should never go longer than 90 days before picking a new password. Do not reuse any previous password you have used. The longer you wait before changing passwords, the more difficult it will be to get used to the new one.

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