Category: Computer Tips

What is Virtual Local Area Network 0

What is Virtual Local Area Network

What is Virtual Local Area Network Virtual Local Area Network: VLAN stands for Virtual Local Area Network. A VLAN allows a network administrator to create groups of logically networked devices that act as if...

What is Internet Zone 0

What is Internet Zone

What is Internet Zone Internet Zone:Internet is a world-wide/global system of interconnected computer networks. Internet uses the standard Internet Protocol (TCP/IP:- Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol) Every computer in internet is identified by a...

What is Tunneling 0

What is Tunneling

What is Tunneling Tunneling is a protocol that allows for the secure movement of data from one network to another. Tunneling involves allowing private network communications to be sent across a public network, such...

What is IP Security 0

What is IP Security

What is IP Security IP Security:IP Packets have no inherent security So it is relatively easy to forge contents of IP packets modify contents of IP packets inspect the contents of IP packets in...