Category: Computer Tips

Email Security 0

Email Security

Email Security Email Security:Today email is so widely used that it has become the default means of communication so it is important to maintain security of Email. Email is transferred over the Internet as...

Types of Firewall 0

Types of Firewall

Types of Firewall Types of Firewall:Firewalls fall into four broad categories Packet filters Circuit level gateways Application level gateways Stateful multilayer inspection firewalls Packet Filters: Packet filtering firewalls work at the network level of...

How to choose Good Password 0

How to choose Good Password

How to choose Good Password How to choose Good Password:The importance of picking a good and secure password can not be enough. It is extremely important that users change the passwords associated with their...

What is Physical Barriers? 0

What is Physical Barriers?

What is Physical barriers? What is Physical Barriers: Barriers are used in physical security to define boundaries, delay or prevent access, restrict movement to a particular area, obscure visual observation into or from an...