Download Contact Management System In Python

Download Contact Management System In Python

Download Contact Management System in Python. This is a simple GUI based project which is very easy to understand and use. In this project include adding, viewing, deleting and updating contact lists. While adding the contact of a person, he/she has to provide first name, last name, gender, address and contact details. The user can also update the contact list if he/she wants to. For this, the user has to double-click on a record that he/she wishes to edit. The system shows the contact details in a list view. And also the user easily delete any contact details.

Project Details:

Project Title:- Online Contact Management System.

Front End:- Python 3.10

Back End:- My SQL 8.0 (Database)

Other Tools:-

  • MySQL Connector:- For Connect with Database
  • Django:- Project Developed in this Framework
  • HTML:- Page layout has been designed with help of  HTML
  • CSS:- Used for designing part
  • Java Script :- All validation task performed by Java Script tools 

User: – 1) Administrator 2) Register Customer

This Project useful for Engineering, Diploma, BCA, MCA, BscIT and MscIT students for their Final Semester .

Module Specification:

  • Admin
    • Manage Admin User.
    • Mange Bakery Category.
    • Manage Bakery Product.
    • Manage Product Rate.
    • Manage Offer.
    • View Order.
    • View Event Booking Request.
    • View Feedback.
  • Customer
    • Request for Registration.
    • Login to Portal.
    • Manage Profile.
    • View Bakery Category.
    • View Product.
    • View Offer.
    • Place Order.
    • Search nearest agent.
    • Send Event booking request.
    • Give Feedback.


Hardware/ Software Requirement:

  • Server Side Requirement
Minimum Hardware Requirement Processor   CORE i3
Main Memory 4 GB RAM
Minimum Software Requirement Operating System  Window Server 2003
Database My SQL
Platform PHP 5.3.10
Server Wamp
Browser Internet Explorer 9.0
  • Client Side Requirement
Minimum Hardware Requirement Processor          Pentium IV
Main Memory 1 GB RAM
Minimum Software Requirement Browser Internet Explorer
Operating System     Windows XP or Higher

Project PPT Include:

  • Objective of Project
  • Project Synopsis
  • Project Profile
  • Hardware Requirement
  • Software Requirement
  • Existing System
  • Need for New System
  • Feasibility System
  • System Flowchart
  • Use case Diagram
  • Class Diagram
  • Activity Diagram
  • Sequence Diagram
  • E- R Diagram
  • Collaboration Diagram
  • Data Dictionary
  • Input Design
  • Output Design
  • Testing
  • Post Implementation Review
  • Future Enhancement

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