Free Download Android Project Faculty Feedback System

Free Download Android Project Faculty Feedback System

Free Download Android Project Faculty Feedback System:- Free Download Android Project Faculty Feedback System is an android Project that can be accessed throughout the World. Faculty Feedback System is an Android Application which is very useful to school, colleges, and any organisation for feedback. Download Android Project Online Feedback system for engineering, Diploma, BCA, MCA, Bsc CS, Msc CS, BscIT and MscIT students for their Final Semester/ Year with complete source code and documentation.


Project Details:

Project Title:- Online Faculty System

Front End:- Android Studio

Back End:- Sqlite

Other Tools:- JDK, Eclipse, JAVA

User: – 1) Administrator 2) Student

This Project useful for Engineering, Diploma, BCA, MCA, BscIT and MscIT students for their Final Semester.


Module Specification:

  • Admin
    • Manage User.
    • Manage Organisation.
    • Manage Branch.
    • Manage Subject.
    • Manage Faculty.
    • Manage Schedule.
    • Manage Result.
    • Generate Various Report.
  •  Student.
    • View and Search Faculty.
    • View Schedule.
    • View Feedback Date.
    • Online Feedback.
    • Send Query.


Project PPT Include:
1) Objective of Project
2) Project Synopsis
3) Project Profile
4) Hardware Requirement
5) Software Requirement
6) Existing System
7) Need for New System
8) Feasibility System
9) System Flowchart
10) Use case Diagram
11) Class Diagram
12) Activity Diagram
13) Sequence Diagram
14) E- R Diagram
15) Collaboration Diagram
16) Data Dictionary
17) Input Design
18) Output Design
19) Testing
20) Post Implementation Review
21) Future Enhancement



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