Download ASP.Net Project E-Tender Management System

Download ASP.Net Project E-Tender Management System

Download ASP.Net Project E-Tender Management System: This web application remove long manual process and  provides organisations to register with this system and upload tender details. Since this application is visible from all over the world clients can log into this site and apply for tenders and submit their quotations to the organisations on the project by filling a from through online.

Companies are informed as soon as clients apply for tender so organisations can contact clients for further information or they can communicate through this application. Free download E-Tender Management System for Engineering, Diploma, BCA, MCA, Bsc CS, Msc CS, BscIT and MscIT students for their Final Semester/ Year with complete source code and documentation.Free download E-Tender Management System in Asp.Net with database.Download ASP.Net Project E-Tender Management System with source code.

Project Details:

Project Title:- Online E-Tender Management System.

Front End:-  Visual Studio 2010

Back End:- SQL 2008

Other Tools:- Crystal Report

User: – 1) Administrator  2) Officer  3) Company

This Project useful for Engineering, Diploma, BCA, MCA, BscIT and MscIT students for their Final Semester .

Module Specification:

  • Admin
    • Manage Admin User.
    • Mange Department.
    • Manage Company Details.
    • View Feedback.
    • Generate Various Report.
  • Government(Officer)
    • Manage Profile.
    • View Company Details.
    • View Company Tender.
    • Compare Tender.
  • Company(Owner)
    • Request For Registration.
    • Login to the Portal.
    • View Tender Information.
    • Send Quotation Detail.
    • View Tender Update.
    • Give Feedback.


Hardware/ Software Requirement:

  • Server Side Requirement
Minimum Hardware Requirement Processor   CORE i3
Main Memory 4 GB RAM
Minimum Software Requirement Operating System  Window Server 2003
Database SQL SERVER 2008
Platform ASP.NET
Server  IIS 6.0
Browser Internet Explorer 9.0
  • Client Side Requirement
Minimum Hardware Requirement Processor          Pentium IV
Main Memory 1 GB RAM
Minimum Software Requirement Browser Internet Explorer
Operating System     Windows XP or Higher


Project PPT Include:

  • Objective of Project
  • Project Synopsis
  • Project Profile
  • Hardware Requirement
  • Software Requirement
  • Existing System
  • Need for New System
  • Feasibility System
  • System Flowchart
  • Use case Diagram
  • Class Diagram
  • Activity Diagram
  • Sequence Diagram
  • E- R Diagram
  • Collaboration Diagram
  • Data Dictionary
  • Input Design
  • Output Design
  • Testing
  • Post Implementation Review
  • Future Enhancement

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